• all rights reserved • © 2011 v11.4

'*** v9.C *** ******************************
' Datei: AktuelleDMTFDateTime.vbs
' Autor: Philipp Reiser
' Autor: B.Flemming 29.07.2009
' Auf:
' Wandelt die aktuelle Zeit in das DMTF DateTime Zeitformat.
' (mit Zeitverschiebung; Sommerzeit; DST)

Option Explicit

Dim Txt, i

' Warten, bis eine neue Sekunde beginnt
WScript.Sleep 1
If InStr( Timer(), "," ) = 0 Then Exit Do

Txt = Txt & AktuelleDMTFDateTime() & vbCRLF
' WScript.Sleep 1
i = i + 1 : If i > 35 Then exit Do

MsgBox Txt, , "015 :: " & WScript.ScriptName

MsgBox DMTFToDeTime( AktuelleDMTFDateTime ), , "017 :: " & WScript.ScriptName

' MsgBox DMTFToDeTime( "20091112" ), , "019 :: " & WScript.ScriptName
' MsgBox DMTFToDeTime( "200910021355" ), , "020 :: " & WScript.ScriptName
' MsgBox DMTFToDeTime( "20090101023344" ), , "021 :: " & WScript.ScriptName
' MsgBox DMTFToDeTime( "20090729102344.000000+120" ), , "022 :: " & WScript.ScriptName


'The following Field Description lists the fields in the formats.
'yyyy Four-digit year (0000 through 9999).
' Your implementation can restrict the supported range.
' For example, an implementation can support only the years 1980 through 2099.
'mm Two-digit month (01 through 12).
'dd Two-digit day of the month (01 through 31).
' This value must be appropriate for the month. For example, February 31 is not valid.
' However, your implementation does not have to check for valid data.
'HH Two-digit hour of the day using the 24-hour clock (00 through 23).
'MM Two-digit minute in the hour (00 through 59).
'SS Two-digit number of seconds in the minute (00 through 59).
'mmmmmm Six-digit number of microseconds in the second (000000 through 999999).
' Your implementation does not have to support evaluation using this field.
' However, this field must always be present to preserve the fixed-length nature of the string.
'mmm Three-digit number of milliseconds in the minute (000 through 999).
's Plus sign (+) or minus sign (-) to indicate a positive or negative offset from Coordinated Universal Times (UTC).
'UUU Three-digit offset indicating the number of minutes that the originating time zone deviates from UTC.
' For WMI, it is encouraged, but not required, to convert times to GMT (a UTC offset of zero).
'*** v9.C *** ******************************
Function AktuelleDMTFDateTime()
Dim DMTF, Tst
Tst = Timer

' Die (aktuell) zehntel und hundertstel Sekunden ermitteln.
' Zeit mit zwei Nachkommastellen: 14:25:36,47
' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
If InStr( Tst, "," ) Then
Tst = Mid( Tst, InStr( Tst, "," ) + 1 )
Tst = ""
End If
If Len( Tst ) < 2 Then Tst = Tst & "0"
If Len( Tst ) < 2 Then Tst = Tst & "0"
Tst = "." & Tst

' aktuelle DMTF-Zeit (ohne Nachkommastellen)
' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Set DMTF = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemDateTime")
DMTF.SetVarDate Now(), True

' aktuelle DMTF-Zeit um Nachkommastellen erweitern
' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Tst = Replace( DMTF, ".00", Tst)
Set DMTF = nothing

AktuelleDMTFDateTime = Tst

End Function ' AktuelleDMTFDateTime()

'*** v8.6 *** ******************************
Function Zeit2DMTFDateTime( Zeit )

Dim Tst, Txt, objWMIService, colTimeZone, objTimeZone, DaylightBias
Zeit = CDate( Zeit )
Txt = Year( Zeit )
Tst = Month( Zeit ) : If Len ( Tst ) = 1 Then Tst = "0" & Tst
Txt = Txt & Tst
Tst = Day( Zeit ) : If Len ( Tst ) = 1 Then Tst = "0" & Tst
Txt = Txt & Tst
Tst = Hour( Zeit ) : If Len ( Tst ) = 1 Then Tst = "0" & Tst
Txt = Txt & Tst
Tst = Minute( Zeit ) : If Len ( Tst ) = 1 Then Tst = "0" & Tst
Txt = Txt & Tst
Tst = Second( Zeit ) : If Len ( Tst ) = 1 Then Tst = "0" & Tst
Txt = Txt & Tst

Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
Set colTimeZone = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_TimeZone")

For Each objTimeZone in colTimeZone
Tst = objTimeZone.DaylightBias - objTimeZone.Bias

Tst = Tst * - 1
Txt = Txt + ".000000+" & Tst : Txt = Replace( Txt, "+-", "-" )

Zeit2DMTFDateTime = Txt

End Function ' Zeit2DMTFDateTime( Zeit )

'*** v9.1 *** ******************************
Function DMTFToDeTime( t )

' Tag Monat Jahr Stunden Minuten Sekunden
If Len( t ) = 8 Then DMTFToDeTime = Mid( t, 7, 2 ) & "." & Mid( t, 5, 2 ) & "." & Mid( t, 1, 4 ) & " 00:00"
If Len( t ) = 12 Then DMTFToDeTime = Mid( t, 7, 2 ) & "." & Mid( t, 5, 2 ) & "." & Mid( t, 1, 4 ) & " " & Mid( t, 9, 2 ) & ":" & Mid( t, 11, 2 )
If Len( t ) > 13 Then DMTFToDeTime = Mid( t, 7, 2 ) & "." & Mid( t, 5, 2 ) & "." & Mid( t, 1, 4 ) & " " & Mid( t, 9, 2 ) & ":" & Mid( t, 11, 2 ) & ":" & Mid( t, 13, 2 )
DMTFToDeTime = CDate( DMTFToDeTime )

End Function ' DMTFToDeTime( t ) • all rights reserved • © 2011 v11.4